I can't answer that,
but I can tell you I was:
Angry at everything and everyone
full of rebellion because no one
is going to tell me what to do with my body
despite me being able to make good choices for myself
Government I thought was a joke
The police are always out to get you
Should I get a trade..
They owe me
Should I get a degree
I ain't no sell out
Should I work a job
Oh please
I just take what I want
sound familiar?
Should I look to the bible for answers?
Nope that doesn't make sense
that Jesus is for the weak
I can pilot my own ship
Besides some of the biggest crooks are in church
and that ain't my religion
If I am going to believe in anything
it would be Allah or some other cult (I mean works based organization)
Should I try to help others? NO
I got to have a 800$ phone
Did I hit all of your points? All of your reasons why?
They are not much different than what mine were.
Yet you insist you are not a slave? I was
Till I met a Man
A Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Stranger, Lady; sharing her journey as she walks with God one day at a time. One lesson as it is learned all while writing with Purpose. Empowering and strengthening readers while sharing how she has learned how to Live, Love & Laugh!
Monday, June 1, 2020
is a fickle thing
it can't be controlled
only destroyed
another boy will die
another daughter will spill her life
another innocent will be discarded
yet there is a cure
not superficial
full of peace
is there a catch..
what's left to lose
you've already lost everything
You have forgotten the Lord thy (your) God
Your children don't know the Lord
They are self serving
Lovers of themselves
Me driven
No respect for God
For country
For themselves
Sexually immoral
Lack discipline
In your quest to be your own god...
You have aligned yourself with the Lords's enemy
The Destroyer
Your streets run with blood
Your officials are corrupt
You have bounty but are never full
Will you return to Me now?
The lover of your souls
The healer of your land
Return to Me before its too late
How many more have to suffer?
The Earth groans with labor pains
The time is closer than you know
Return to Me..before I reject you
You have forgotten the Lord thy (your) God
Your children don't know the Lord
They are self serving
Lovers of themselves
Me driven
No respect for God
For country
For themselves
Sexually immoral
Lack discipline
In your quest to be your own god...
You have aligned yourself with the Lords's enemy
The Destroyer
Your streets run with blood
Your officials are corrupt
You have bounty but are never full
Will you return to Me now?
The lover of your souls
The healer of your land
Return to Me before its too late
How many more have to suffer?
The Earth groans with labor pains
The time is closer than you know
Return to Me..before I reject you
My walk
life's journey
ends with the receipt of a crown
a permanent residence of eternity
and a grand welcome!!!
Where does yours end?
What's there when you get there?
Think about it.
My walk
life's journey
ends with the receipt of a crown
a permanent residence of eternity
and a grand welcome!!!
Where does yours end?
What's there when you get there?
Think about it.
I am simply astonished that someone who once professed Christ can decide..
He doesn't exist??
I guess an argument can be made at the non-existince of Creator God..but then
how are the birds singing? Who programmed them to get up and fetch worms
or decided how many beats a humming bird's wings can strum..without getting tired?
Who told the sun to set or hung the stars in the sky? Who knits a tiny beautiful baby in the womb with no knee caps? Who tells blood what direction to flow? Who invented intimacy between a man and his bride, his wife, his friend, his true partner; their parts perfectly complimenting eachother in a dance of love?
Who told my hair to be beautifully kinky but one of my B.F.F.'s to be thin as silk..white blonde reflecting the sun? Who decides the sex of a child? Who sets him apart for His service, having plans for him already in place before he takes his first breath?
Who sings over him..his creation?
Who gave us emotions?
Did we so foolishly crawl out of the slime and evolve into a
creature of logic but
not one of discipline...
Who built the whale?
Who waits for us.. ready to receive us..
Who fills us with the outpouring of His Spirit
when we humbly sit at His feet?
Whose voice do the lost listen to in order to return Home?
Man's logic is just as fleeting as his life which by the way he didn't even call into
the natural ....
God did! Humble yourself and ask Him to help you with your unbelief! Seek the Lord
not church..Seek the Lamb not logic ... be prepared to accept what you don't understand...
Know if you choose not to..
Know that you are naked and outside the doors
ask Him to show and your need for Him.
Before its too late..
I am simply astonished that someone who once professed Christ can decide..
He doesn't exist??
I guess an argument can be made at the non-existince of Creator God..but then
how are the birds singing? Who programmed them to get up and fetch worms
or decided how many beats a humming bird's wings can strum..without getting tired?
Who told the sun to set or hung the stars in the sky? Who knits a tiny beautiful baby in the womb with no knee caps? Who tells blood what direction to flow? Who invented intimacy between a man and his bride, his wife, his friend, his true partner; their parts perfectly complimenting eachother in a dance of love?
Who told my hair to be beautifully kinky but one of my B.F.F.'s to be thin as silk..white blonde reflecting the sun? Who decides the sex of a child? Who sets him apart for His service, having plans for him already in place before he takes his first breath?
Who sings over him..his creation?
Who gave us emotions?
Did we so foolishly crawl out of the slime and evolve into a
creature of logic but
not one of discipline...
Who built the whale?
Who waits for us.. ready to receive us..
Who fills us with the outpouring of His Spirit
when we humbly sit at His feet?
Whose voice do the lost listen to in order to return Home?
Man's logic is just as fleeting as his life which by the way he didn't even call into
the natural ....
God did! Humble yourself and ask Him to help you with your unbelief! Seek the Lord
not church..Seek the Lamb not logic ... be prepared to accept what you don't understand...
Know if you choose not to..
Know that you are naked and outside the doors
ask Him to show and your need for Him.
Before its too late..
Of course it's easy for a man to walk
away from Jesus...
He never had Him to begin with
So he doesn't realize his loss....
Of course it's easy for a man to walk
away from Jesus...
He never had Him to begin with
So he doesn't realize his loss....
Remember Church, you also are required to give an account
When Our Lord returns
Exist for True Religion un-defiled
Practice being the hands and feet of Jesus
Not of Judas the betrayer.. (self centered, apathetic, uncaring, full of falsehood,
no desire for the lost, taking advantage of the flock, a wolf in sheep's clothing
unable to recognize JESUS..)
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Always strive to LIVE the Gospel
DEFEND it when necessary
TEACH it when called upon
never from your 'perspective' but always
from the Lord's TRUTH
Always strive to LIVE the Gospel
DEFEND it when necessary
TEACH it when called upon
never from your 'perspective' but always
from the Lord's TRUTH
Heaven is where those who would not part
with their testimony
even at the threat of death
are made whole...
their story complete
their praise of the Lamb
will never end
Heaven is where those who would not part
with their testimony
even at the threat of death
are made whole...
their story complete
their praise of the Lamb
will never end
Heaven is the Soldiers reward
Soldiers of the Cross
Onward Christian Soldiers
The fight is not ours but the
Heaven is the Soldiers reward
Soldiers of the Cross
Onward Christian Soldiers
The fight is not ours but the
Don't run from Heaven's Keeper
align your life with Him
so it is a place you will welcome
and the Keeper will welcome you
Don't run from Heaven's Keeper
align your life with Him
so it is a place you will welcome
and the Keeper will welcome you
wisdom pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
Heaven is a place where my sword can rest....
my fighting is done
my worship will never end
Heaven is a place where my sword can rest....
my fighting is done
my worship will never end
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