Wednesday, May 6, 2020


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As we watch so much death and destruction in the wake of the COVID-19 virus. I am encouraged by the promises of the Lord God. I am also compelled to remind the Christian Nation that we are soldiers. Soldiers take orders. Execute them with precision. No doubt, no regret. Our job is to spread the beautiful Gospel of Jesus Christ and live separately from the world while we are in it. Not to be conformed into a bunch of self serving, well dressed yes-men who are fooled by the temporary comforts of this world, forsaking eternity for a trinket. 

COVID 19 is our modern day Assyrian invasion..with no respect of person; economic class; race; sex or religious preference. It has one job and that is to destroy, replicate and destroy again. It has cost people life, limb and lively hood. We have seen our already frail infrastructure crumble and made suddenly very aware of our need for one another. Our government, try as they might, has given 100% effort in some areas and completely failed in others. Leaders showing they are inept for the task they have been voted into for one reason alone. PRIDE

Our country, founded on Christian principles, has fallen into: idolatry, child sacrifice, pride, lack of compassion, greed, lack of correction and promotion of evil over good. We resist even the basic of moral codes as a rule of function at all levels of our society. Instead of welcoming the stranger we shut him down, watch his family struggle and starve while we adhere to a broken, useless, ridiculous sets of false religious piety which does the very opposite of what JESUS CHRIST asked us to do. We scoff at the Pharisees and Sadducee about how they could so terribly fail at seeing the living God in flesh in front of them. Yet we ignore the cry of a human being who is destined to live. Instead we harvest her organs for some worthless purpose and ignore the degradation of our souls. 

It is past time for the True Church, not the watered down crumbling idol that condones its members sins under the misunderstood umbrella of acceptance. News Flash: WE ARE ALL SINNERS SAVED BY GRACE! The form of the sin that is represented is like debating potato or potatoe (misspelled on purpose). The Holy Father doesn't accept anybodies sin. Period! We are to come to Him and lay it all out and take up our cross that accompanies us during the lifelong process of sanctification. In short we come to Christ as we are, poor, wretched and naked but we will not remain the same. Not when our desire is to be like Christ. That means we accept His Word, His Commandments, His Definitions of what we are and move forward. 

We are the dam that is holding back the flood. We need to have His compassion, drive and single-minded determination to share His love with all who will accept Him as their own. It starts with praying for repentance, revival, refreshing and renewing in the church. With fresh fire to preach His Word as given. Then prayer to grow a backbone and live out our faith especially in the places were we are not "allowed" to. So what if that means you can't sit with the popular kids or be invited to the water cooler for off color remarks and gripe sessions. It does mean even if you are not liked you will be respected and you are always loved. 

So move forward! In the face of opposition and new buzz words like judgmental: intolerant: discriminatory:close minded: or holier-than-thou. We are in the end time..4th quarter...the 2 minute warning has sounded. Dig in. Apply what you know. Press closer to God. Leave the outcome to Him. 

He has already told you what happens in the end. 
Reference Books: Revelation/Joshua/Matthew



It's the spring of 2020. COVID 19 has just recently created a pandemic in the United States. As a result my job has been suspended (sort of speak) and my kids, like so many others, are remanded to stay home to avoid exposure to the virus. So we are making due by playing lots of games; creating flexible schedules; journaling; interacting with our neighbors (social distancing rules observed..for the most part) and spending a lot of time together. This is definitely the age of digital convenience..we can talk thru our computers, tele-commute to our jobs, and conduct class via internet. We can also hold family meetings and Cinco de Mayo celebrations within our circle but not our zip code. Its challenging but exciting at the same time. 

The other day I was conversing with my inner circle of trusted relations. We laughed and made fun of each other, caught up, re-told past stories and mused over events. Did I mention there was a lot of laughter? All of it was fine fun but somewhere the conversations got a little bit off track then completely derailed. It had me wondering, as the chief offender, if the Lord was looking in on us (and He always is) what would He think of our talk? Was it becoming of our offices? Would He think the subjects of our conversations were "okay"? Yes and no..unfortunately. In my pursuit of fun...I kinda thought hey, I can put that part of my nature on the shelf. The thought wasn't even anything that I pondered or wrestled with it was literally a split second decision to walk in my flesh. I mean c'mon I was just letting my hair down for a minute sort to speak. Its cool, no one is getting hurt and its just us so its all right. Right?

No. It isn't. It never is. If I can find myself compromising so quickly what does that say about my witness? What does that say about my commitment? What does that do to my testimony about the Living God Jesus Christ? Compromise is compromise no matter how big or how small.  I will walk out of a movie because I object strongly to a scene or not purchase a product because I know what the company supports is contrary to my belief system. In those cases I'm pretty straightforward and I don't blink an eye. But somehow on other issues I was jaded. Not hot or cold.

It's the behind closed doors that seems to ensnare me. The need to prove 'I am the still the same girl that my circle has always known.' Well I am but I'm not. God says I am a new creature once I accept His son as my Lord and savior. Constantly we are all being molded into the image of Christ. Old things being cut away that are unproductive or even harmful to us or others in our life-walk. 

Am I saying that Christians, blood-washed believers can never have fun? OF COURSE NOT!! Give me a break. I am saying, for me, that after I have reflected on the time spent with the closest people in my life personal redirection was required. Fact: 1. I am always on duty for Christ; 2. If there is an area that I will not allow Jesus to have access to then I need to repent and re-evaluate; 3. How can I be an effective minister of the Gospel of Christ if I can't walk in all times. Not perfection (there is no such thing by the way). Perfection relies on self to set and reach the standard. Clearly, I need to be thankful for the new rations of grace and mercy daily not to mention the open door of forgiveness. All of which are constantly supplied by the Holy Spirit. 

The only way that I can be a good fruit bearing servant is to allow God to permeate every part of my life including the part that wants to cut-loose from time to time. To coin a phrase it's okay to have fun but you gotta know how. It's a little embarrassing at almost 50 years old I would need to admit this? Then I remember that living sacrifices rarely stay on the alter. Paul mentions how we must die to ourselves daily especially when we don't think we have to. I have to ask myself, self what is your desire? To feed your flesh by pleasing yourself and never get full or to run after Christ and never be in want? 

Where does the whole crossroads shtick fit in? Simple, either I am going to give Christ my all or none at all. I refuse to be lukewarm. I desire for my life to be pleasing to the Lord. I desire to hear "Well done my good and faithful servant". Therefore I must strive to behave in a way that always brings the light of Christ to the forefront. 

If I am the only lamp that is in the room, let me shine brightly, let the Lord's light not be diminished in me so that people are lead to Christ or encouraged in their faith, if by no other means then by the consistency of my behavior. 

By the way, the Lord did not convict me of anything...He didn't have to. My desire to live for Him caused a moment of self-reflection and I knew, once again, I needed to run to His mercy seat and ask for His help. I can do nothing in my own strength but I can do all things (including conquering self) through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. 

Notes on Christian conduct are found in the book of Philippians.
See Revelation 3:16 for further explanation of lukewarm reference