Friday, August 17, 2018

Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl

Even the elite are powerless against Death;
Yet most of them won't even acknowledge the God who
has Defeated it....
Of course there are always exceptions
You should be one of them


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl:

Remaining Faithful
is just as important as
having faith


STATEMENT OF Discrimination

Statement of Discrimination

As for me and my house
We serve the Lord
So we can not accept what He has forbidden
We can't abide where He is not welcomed
We won't follow where He is clearly not leading

We will smile
We will love
We will laugh
We will be kind
We will stand our ground
We will be gracious
We will lead by example
We will not compromise
We will not legitimize anything by being silent
We will love the unlovable
We will love our enemies
We will not return slander for slander
We will not foster hatred
We will respect ALL human beings
We will worship
We will pray
We will sing
We will participate when and where we can
We will not damage our witness
We will remain faithful to the teachings of our God
We will eat pork..especially with cabbage and egg rolls
We will not waiver
We will hold our bodies sacred
We will respect the rainbow for what it is a SYMBOL of GOD'S promise not to destroy the world by water again
We will pray...ALOT
We will share
We will not cut ourselves off from others who disagree with us
We will choose who to allow in our circles
We will allow God to broaden our territories
We will allow God to give us our assignments
We will use discretion
We will not bash or put anyone down
We will not condone or participate in polygamy (Really????? that was never a good idea)
We will believe God's structure for family (1 Man + 1 Woman)
We will not HATE
We will tell the truth
We walk away to avoid a nasty confrontation (Jesus will always be glorified)
We will not park in handicap spaces if we don't have a sticker or a placard
We will protect the lives of the unborn
We will share our pain and struggles in order to highlight the beautiful redeeming power of Christ!
We will not stop loving God
We will not compromise His Word
We will welcome unbelievers at our table
We will not condemn
We will correct
We will remember to respect others choices
We will sacrifice for the greater good

A bit of Honesty

A bit of honesty:
If you don't worship The God of Jacob
The Hebrew Yeshua
The King of the World
Christ Jesus
Then please don't pray for me when you see me in need
It will cause more harm than good
devils have ears


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl:

The Lord Christ accepts all sinners
from all colors
and sexual orientation
He says come as you are!
But don't expect to stay as you were
Or return the same way you came...


The Real

The Real

If the Church which is charged with leading, serving and correcting the people
is in need of correction, redirection and rededication itself
then what hope do the people have
If they don't first see a return to God by His own elect?

What is the takeaway from that statement?
Lead in Repentance
Have a clear voice in correction
Set a new standard by the non promotion of SIN
Hold everyone from the Mirror, The Pulpit and to the Door accountable
Show the TRUTH of Love
Banish the Deception of Complacency
Present the scriptures with no APOLOGY; no EDIT; no OMMISSIONS

Remember: Leaders/Teachers/Preachers are held to a stricter code than others
We are not in the business of being polite or even politically correct; we are responsible for ENCOURAGING PEOPLE TO CHRIST; not lying to them with a wink and a nod that their behavior or lifestyle is ok.

Judging is not ever correcting
But correcting is never judging

To your post and defend it with honor..or step down


The Complacency of Sin

The Complacency of Sin:

First it desires to be Acknowledged
Then it pushes for Acceptance
Finally it demands Representation....
Until it is no longer recognized as the sin it still is


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl:

You could lead the horse to water, however don't let him drown you while you are showing him how to drink


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Just a Thought

A choice to kill is not a choice but an act
Changing the words doesn't change the deed.
I.e. 'thou shall not commit murder' doesn't make it right if we interchange commit with choice. It is still the same

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl:
A right choice in the begging will curtail wrong choices in the end (future)

Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Thought Captured

If we don't capture the thought(s) that lead to wrong desires, such as wanting a door opened that God has closed, then we will find ourselves slaves to them (the thoughts).

Which is a direct contradiction to what Jesus Christ said in Luke (4:18) and what was recorded in the book of John (John 8:36) He came to set the captives free and whom He has set free is free INDEED!

If we find ourselves always wanting something that God no longer or never wanted for us. We have failed to attune our wants to line up with His Word. We should always be wary of the lesson from Lot's wife. Her thoughts, her being, all of who she was was established in Sodom and Gomorrah. Eventhough, God wanted to save her she decided she knew what was best and didn't want to leave that place behind. It had captured the throne of her heart. Neither the joy of pleasing God nor the sacrifice for the betterment of her family came into her mind. Just a selfish thought that was never tamed. As a result she lost her life.

So the next time you find yourself longing for the approval of a group or persons who have in the past rejected you because of your belief in Jesus Christ or the Lord inspires you to move into a different direction or flow with Him but it requires a lot of sacrifice on your behalf.... remember to capture that thought (anything that tries overrule the desire of Christ)  and nail it to the Cross.

We are chosen and set aside for a purpose. We are not going to fit in everywhere. But then again it was never our job to.



ps. Thanks to my pal Jenny for a stirring conversation that produced this blog entry!

Wisdom Pearl 2018

Wisdom Pearl!

To a fool Wisdom is despised


Wisdom Pearl

First Wisdom Pearl of 2018!! 😊

The Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules!
Good thing God owns I guess by default, nah by design He rules!!!
