Thursday, October 27, 2016

Sneak Peak - Bought Lessons

Sneak Peak - Bought Lessons: Join Author Souljourner Howard as she presents her 2nd self published project Bought Lessons The event is free and open to the public. Caution to Parents Mature content maybe tastefully discussed and

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


La Prade Room B
9000 Hull Street
Chesterfield, VA 23236

Book Signing/Speaking Event
'Sneak - Peak' Bought Lessons
Free Admission

Presented By: Souljourner Howard
Books available for purchase through website

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tip Of A Berg Pt. 2

Another Monday Football Game in America and the National Anthem was sung with soul, vigor and passion. The men and women in uniform looked outstanding in their presentation of the flag. People were standing, hats removed from the heads of citizens and the respect was heart-felt all around.

I have a lot of admiration and respect for the players who pray on the field before the game, but that is rarely shown. Instead the camera pans over the teams and there are several players who opted to use their right of free speech and peaceful demonstration to protest the Flag given the recent, but ever present, racial issues in America.

Here is a summary of my thoughts:

1. Players and any other citizen of the United States have the right to protest or show support for causes that are important to them.
a. Does that include the protesting of the American Flag? Yes it does
b. But it begs the question of should you do something because you can? Kinda like winning the fight but losing the war type scenario. No I do not condone the kneeling to the Flag, I think it is disrespectful to the Servicemen and Women who fought and died for this Country because they believed their individual acts would lend to the positive change that they sought.

2. When I see a player exercising his/her rights on this matter, I often wonder what are you doing personally to bridge the divide? What acts of service are you committed to helping the Black Community and Law Enforcement be better together than separate?
a. Are you not involved? That would be a tremendous waste of energy, time and talent. Because you can use your resources to help lend some Star Power to the cause.
b. Do you take a knee with the understanding that our ancestors, many of which were treated inhumanely and with extreme prejudice, still fought, were physically beaten, maimed, killed or scarred mentally and ostracized socially for the God-Given Right to be recognized not as a Secondary Citizen but a Citizen of these United States? Do you understand the struggle for our kind to rise to a status of respect in our Home Country?
c. It wasn't fair but we marched for the right to VOTE
d. It wasn't fair but we made our voices known to have the right to equal housing/equal pay/punishment for those who operate through racially motivated tactics.

3. I also wonder if the other Races who stood by us and benefited from our struggle as they helped us achieve the attainment of our rights are recognized as you kneel? Whites, Latinos, Orientals, Pacific Islanders and last but far from least our Native American Brothers & Sisters. Do you kneel for those who were/are comrades in arms?

What is my point, you may ask, which is a completely valid question. My point is only together do we succeed. The more division the weaker, as a nation, we get. If we are weak then we are ripe for Judgement and Conquest. Have you looked at Russia and her allies? Not to take the attention off of the issues of Police Brutality, Racism, Separatism and Cronyism- But our sometime friends, but always first to be an enemy are amassing and planning and we are still stuck on the same STUPID issues that we can't seem to move past. I wonder if those who are kneeling would take into account that planters are paid to come and start riots and violent protest; working up groups of people into an unruly mob of Non-Think and destruction and they are of the same color of you and I. While the folks in power are not moved by the random acts of violence and the terrorizing of our own neighborhoods by our OWN.

I look at the athletes who participated in the Summer Olympics. How proud they were to walk under their Nation's banner. Especially South Africa and all of our Sister Countries with so much civil unrest and class division and violence. But yet they still stood with and for their Home. I remember the stories of Jackie Robinson and the Tuskegee Airmen, George Washington Carver, Martin Luther King Jr.  and so many other greats who showed that they were better than they were being treated and earned the respect, admiration and more importantly the legislation that made them equal freemen.

Have you forgotten that it was because of them that you are afforded the opportunity to suit up and play on a field recognized as a member of a group not a citizen of a race.

I wonder will you stand with me as I protest this Nation taking away my Rights to Worship freely as I see fit? To Honor the Only Living God and His Son Jesus Christ. Do Black Lives Still Matter Then? Yes, they do but not more than anyone else's. My God says a house divided can not stand..America is divided and I ask you what is your kneeling doing to lessen to chasm?

We should not ignore the issues of America..never.. but we as being more educated than our predecessors and having more economic opportunists and more advances in the modern world, should use our privileges responsibly and that starts by showing unity for the only home any of us have ever known. While fighting for the rights of all our citizens especially the poor and disenfranchised.

So I guess I would answer your question with a question..does your kneeling come with a hand to help lift and rebuild or an empty act lacking action to match your social compassion?




Mountains are wide at the bottom
Small at the Top

The beginning always accommodates 
the Many

But the End rewards only
The courageous 

Who perservere till the Top 
Is reached


The Nature of A Thing

The Nature of A Thing

A Mountain must be  known

           Before it can be climbed

               It must be studied and understood

                      Before it can be scaled

                         It must be acknowledged and respected

                                  Before it can be conquered

                                         You must decide you can succeed

                                                Before you Do anything else


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl:

Your need can grow into what into what you want
however, your want rarely turns into what you 


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl:

the Sin that is not confessed
is not forgiven
the trespass that isn't 
is not washed in the Blood
The Sin that is hidden
even from the Owner
will stain like scarlet
on the whitest 
of Robes
