Sunday, August 28, 2016

Simple of Simplicity: The Joy Of It

Simple of Simplicity

So simple are the greatest of treasures
which extend the longest of pleasure
a baby's smile
a cat's purr
a puppy's kiss
the dance of life in the eyes of your love
the peace of God


wisdom pearl

wisdom pearl

The older I get...the simpler my pleasures are


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl

For those who have loved and lost;

It is hard to love again

Even harder not too..


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl:

Sometimes It is Hard to Love and lose

But it is even Harder to Not Love


This is The Day...

Today was a good Day

The Lord made it and I choose to Rejoice in It

Today was still a good Day

I choose to smile

I choose to Worship

I choose to embrace the Day

I remembered you and my heart did ache

I longed for the hope and joy that a new life brings

To smell your hair, To hear your cooe's

Even a cry..anything

My tears flowed without hesitation

Missing you almost overwhelmed me..

But still the day went on

And I choose to smile

There is not a day that I don't think of  you

Knowing this is not the end

But the Beginning

It brings me comfort

It fills me with strength

To continue every Day

Today is a good Day!


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl:

God doesn't want your show; He wants your heart.


For The Love of IT

For The Love of It

Give it like you mean it;
Deliver it like you don't want it
Release it like you never owned it....

And receive it's reward..


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl

Don't belittle an offering by limiting it to just Money...
It's so much more than that


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl:

It's not the AMOUNT of the 'offering'*, but the heart behind it!


*not just $...but any other non-tangible item given out of sacrafice

Saturday, August 27, 2016


In my humanness

I realize my frailty

In my weakness

I realize my need

In my struggle

I realize my strength

In my heartache

I realize how much I love


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl

Your Mistakes Remind you that you are Human

Learning from them gives you Wisdom

Ignoring them stunts your Growth

Repeating them slows your Progress..


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl:

Why are the most simplest of things the hardest to attain...
Even harder to enjoy...
But are appreciated the Most..


Pt 2 Self - Suffiency

The last segment concluded that almost all of us (parents) desire to see our children achieve a certain level of self sufficiency . We relish their growth physically and the progress they make mentally. Especially when connections are established. None of this is bad, quite the contrary, it is great!

But when our kids start developing beyond our reach then our concerns grow. If they suddenly do not desire our company or feel like they can do it all on their own. Part of us grows resentful at the lock out. We scramble to try and look ahead to warn them of any potential pitfalls; We gain headaches trying to logically understand why they reject our wisdom, advice, companionship, guidance or whatever. What is so puzzling about the fact that we want the BEST for them?

Then it hits us..they are operating in self-sufficiency. They are exercising their right to make choices as they see fit. Despite our protests or warnings they create their own paths. It is in their nature to do so. Rebellion and pride are as much a part of us as the need to succeed apart from our mothers and fathers.

Even though there is no way to measure the fullness of an action or the future consequences hidden in a choice. Still they move forward, sometimes in blatant ignorance; but to them, as it once was to us, progress even backwards is still progress..right? Sure now we know truthfully it is not.

Once I began to take my walk with the Lord seriously, I realized that walking in complete self was  not the way to be sufficient at all. It blocks the Lord's will for our lives. Walking in Self, permits us to decide that we know more than God; that we are on the same level with Him; that we know enough in the limited facts we have to make decisions that will alter our lives. Self-sufficiency operates apart from GOD not in concert with Him. That is not what He designed us for. Every human being on the face of the planet has social needs: acceptance, belonging, love etc..We also have an inherit need to know The Lord. He placed it in us.

So reader when you see your kid (s) going south, by all means talk with them, warn them, counsel them and pray for them. Then I invite you to lean into Our Heavenly Father that much more! He loves your company. Your prayers are sweet aromas to Him. Your worship of Him gives Him honor while lifting your soul from it's burdens. Don't allow self-sufficiency to rob you of the fellowship of Christ. Besides what better way to teach your child than by example?

Train up a Child in the Way he should go and when he gets old, he will Not part from it! (Book of Proverbs 22:6)


Si Sufficientiam.... What Really is Your Name? Pt. 1

Si Sufficientiam (Pt. 1)

The term is actually Latin for 'self - sufficiency'. I remember coming up how Bishop (my Mom) would constantly tell me that I needed to learn to be self-sufficient. Which meant do what needs to be done just because you see it undone before I tell you to do it. As a child I hated that term because it usually meant a lecture before and after the mention of it.

Now that I am a Mom I completley understand the whole thought process behind that statement. I find myself being cross at my husband and kids when I see something out of place. To me it's common sense that your shoes should be neatly placed on the shoe mat; or don't place your headphones or earbuds on the table (yuck); and of course leaving items on the floor. Who cares who placed it there? It shouldn't be there at all! Oh My GLOB!!! Some days it is enough to pull my hair out. Why? Everyone knows socks belong on feet not floors. Toys belong in a box not the floor or under my feet. ARRRGGGHHH

But before I have a melt-down, I take a deep breath and start thanking GOD for something...anything that will ground me. It really is not that important; Picking up after people is just in my job description. In the small print. Training people to pick up after themselves is necessary for the success of their futures.

Tender, Tender, Tenderness

For so long...I ran from home

I couldn't stand the sharpness in your tone

I didn't understand your lack of delicacy in correction

Nor did I care for allotment of none when

My errors rose

So I jumped in the wind, not caring where it took me

No plan of my own

Moving with the flow that was the strongest

Wasting alot of energy

Misplacing alot of love

But I never forgot the good at my center

It got harder to deny it's place

I'm older now

My fights are chosen with wisdom

Weighted by tenderness

Now I can love you for you

I can handle who you are

I can hear your love despite your tone

I am not crushed by your words

Tender are my thoughts towards you

Guided are my actions

Purposefully I enjoy our time together

Deliberately do my steps lead me home
