Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Who and The What

Who is your idle?

Who do you look up to?

Who do you want to be like when you grow up?

Whose number are you wearing?

Whose jersey do you have on?

Whose sticker is on your car?

Whose name is one your coffee mug?

Whose symbol is on your purse?

Whose picture is on your wall?

What do you worship?

Is your trust in the fragility of humans?

Is your security and hope in flesh?

Is your enjoyment 'inked' in or 'penciled'?

Do they know your name?

Can they speak Peace over you?

Who can control your trial?

Who can set boundaries that don't outlast your abilities?

Who tore the veil for you?

Who gets your enegy?

Who has your attention?

Who loves you enough to die for you?

Who do you worship?


Wisdom Pearl #8

Control is an illusion.
It masks the true reason behind intentions and
gives its owner a false sense of superiority.

The Word says we all fall short...no exceptions


Wisdom Pearl #213

An Unintended Consequence can neither be planned, controlled or expected. As it usually arrives with no forewarning.


Helpful Terminology

Unintended Consequences:

Items or situations that materialize as a result of your actions or lack of action; not deliberate but not planned either. Completely outside of your realm of control.

i.e. Sex before marriage: 1.pregnancy or 2 disease or 3. no call backs

i.e. Purchase of a vehicle: 1. able to offer a ride to disabled stranger who is walking (under the unction of the Holy Ghost). 2. able to volunteer at children's activities 3. able to offer transportation so that others can participate in an event

Wisdom Pearl #212

Sometimes the very thing you need the most is right in front of you..


Saturday, October 24, 2015

SALT Thy Name is Bishop


What Do you hear

Can you understand

Thru all of this noise

Pots are clanging

Pans are banging

All claiming to be the best

Yet their flock is lost


Right is wrong

and wrong is acceptable

Sin covers their walls




But their is one

who remains pure

True to the calling

To teach


and live the Gospel of Christ

To her

The Crown is worth

The burden

Her Salt will never lose

Its Flavor

Or its strength


Friday, October 9, 2015

Celebrate You!

Greetings Readers!

The other day I was at my gym participating in a Zumba class. It was awesome; the music, the energy, the atmosphere was full of life and excitement. The instructor had pep and sass to spare. It really was a wonderful class. 

But what got my attention wasn't the vibe or the colorful work out gear. It was the people. The ladies were beautiful and overflowing with vigor. Some were my elders, some younger than I and some were my age. A plethora* of races were present: White, Black, Indian, Hispanic, Latino, and Oriental. They were short, tall, hippy, skinny, overweight, long haired, short haired, colored hair, and natural. Some had dimples others freckles. Some had age spots others did not. None of that mattered. There were no boundaries. We were simply a group of 20 (or more) woman gathered together to either lose weight, stay fit or a little bit of both. It was amazing.

So much so I thought to myself look at all of this femininity! Each one of us tailored to fit our Adam. Think about it. Every man has his own set of unique characteristics he would like his Eve to have. Some enjoy full lips others shiny hair or sparkling eyes. Even though most men would agree on a generalization (maybe a magazine model) of beauty, individually they know what they hold dear. What is even facinating is that our Heavenly Father created each one of us, every woman in that classroom, for one purpose and that is to bring Him Glory. Whether it is by being a fantastic mom and raising kids in the fear and admonition of the Lord; or a loving grandmother who just wants to keep up with her grandchildren; or a mom who has found herself mature, full of wisdom with sparks of sexiness and she just wants to enjoy her husband and look good doing it. Whatever the talent or skill, in whatever season they (us ) are in. We were made for one Adam. We are God's gift to His Adam. Proverbs 18:22 reminds us that: He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.(http://biblehub.com/proverbs/18-22.htm).

I just want to encourage those who are still waiting for their Adam to continue to. It's worth the wait. And for those who are just simply too young for the demands of a committed relationship..you are worth the wait! Hold on to your Virginity it is a treasure for you and your Adam. We were not made to fit 'everyone' we were made to fit just one. No worries if he doesn't  get you..he wasn't meant to. Don't get upset if you can't seem to find the 'right one', trust in the One who created you! In His timing He will bring you together with your mate, your lover, your friend, the spiritual overseer of the home you will make. If you have had a history filled with brokenness and all of the mistakes and pitfalls it brings, (I did), then make it a point to break with unhealthy behaviors that always bring you to hurt. Start by acknowledging your need for Christ. Next make a promise of Celibacy to yourself. Trust me you can hear the Lord so much better when your skirt is not up..(cheeky but true). Realizing that sex used in its correct context is a gift for a married couple, (man and woman), who have pledged their lives to one another in the sight of GOD. 

Eve you were made for one Adam. And that is a beautiful thing! Celebrate your diversity because you can only fit into his mold, not anyone else's. What makes you YOU is fantastic! Your spark adds to the complex fabric of life. 

After the workout class ended the ladies would group in small clusters congratulating each other on finishing another Zumba session. Complimenting one another on how well they did. Eventually all of us would return to our worlds feeling a little lighter. 

No one can love your Adam the way you do; no one can hold your babies the way that you do; no one can walk, talk  and carry on the way that you do. No one, Eve, can complete your work the way that you were made to. Lastly, no one but  your Adam can love you the way you need him to. 

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/plethora (Def. #2)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Performance Snippet Seattle 2015


Comfortable Success Pt. 2

When I didn't possess my degrees or teaching licence the hope of better opportunities drove me forward. Once those goals were met the expectation of an immediate pay out kept me pushing forward. Now the reality of the type of sacrifices necessary to procure and maintain any type of position has brought me to a halt.

I am once again at an uncomfortable crossroad. It would take so much pressure off of Anthony if I could pitch in. I could feel like I was making a real contribution to our household. While still operating in some of my gifts. The issues that multi-taskers have. Reader you maybe thinking well what exactly is the problem? You know what works best for your house. Yes I do and that is mom being whole. Which is impossible when you are split in too many places.

I don't trust myself really. I have a very dogged personality. It is either all or none. I have tried with very little success to manage 'me' and I have gotten better but still not quite there yet. I am afraid that if I take on another responsibility then I won't write. Not writing isn't an option. But then again, maybe I am ready. Maybe I am so dedicated to developing this ministry that I wouldn't let anything deter me from getting whatever I needed to done. Maybe I am at a point in my life where I am so hungry for GOD that I could squash my selfish ambitions along with drowning the notion of helping GOD. He doesn't need my help to do anything. He is the GREAT I AM.

Maybe...I could juggle it, successfully.  But I have not in the past. I give myself a vote of no confidence. I just am too afraid to fail..so I won't even try.

The cost of publishing keeps gnawing at me. The needs of the house are sometimes overwhelming. I am so confused that I can't hear GOD.

Earlier this morning, as I was tidying up around the house, I noticed a piece of scrap paper on the floor. It read: Habakkuk 3:19- The Lord God is my strength and He will make my feet like hinds feet and He will make me to walk upon mine high places.

For today I have the courage to wait and hear from the Lord. I will thank Him in advance for His Grace and Mercy should I awake tomorrow. But in the here and now I will forget about the pressure of wanting to be able to do more for myself. I will not give an audience to the nagging voice of failure or his cousin regret. Today I will purpose to stay in His Peace and be strengthen.

It is a sacrifice to continue on one income. Many would contend with me that it isn't wise. But I have been on this side before and made the wrong choice. I am tired of going around this mountain. I don't want to see days like this again. I know I have a lot of work to do and I don't want to be side-tracked by my own ambitions. No one can be a more effective enemy to me than me.

It's real out here. But I am so glad my circumstances, although they affect me greatly, don't define me. GOD has already declared that  I am more than a Conqueror.

I take comfort in that.


Comfortable Success Pt 1

Another year has passed by. One full of blessings and accomplishments. So full are my memories of  all the great things I was privileged to witness in this year of 2015. So why in the world am I feeling some type of way?

It's simple really. For all of our gains we still have not been able to elevate our living style to the level of comfortable success. We had two trips this past summer! Two! We have not been able to travel, because of Nathan's health issues, for several years. We couldn't even afford to visit anywhere out of Virginia without help from family. Maybe its because my role hasn't changed.  I continue to be a full time homemaker. It's a hard job, but rewarding..did I mention it doesn't pay very well?

There it is. We are eating well; rent is paid; we live in a very nice complex; the kids are in an awesome autism program. Nathan is adjusting to middle school like a champ. Myles is a soldier. Outside of the sniffles and a little coughing from the flu shot Nate has been really well. His labs are steady and we don't have to return for 6 weeks.  But yet my frustration is hot. My disappointment with our lack of progress in some areas makes my blood boil.

Honestly, if I would go back into the work world so much could be settled. Elimination of our credit card debt; the re-establishment (for the 100th time) of our savings; the ability to add small items to our home; purchase of a bedroom set for Anthony and I, (we have been married for 15 years and have yet to purchase one. Always took care of kids first); a new van for me and the list continues. So me working outside of the home even on a part-time basis would be perfect! No big deal right? Except for the fact that when I work I don't write. God has charged me with the burden to use my gifts to bring Him Glory!

Remember last year in October? I think I was close to having a nervous breakdown- let me do a quick recap for you: Nate had a successful kidney transplant; I had a large tumor removed from my abdomen; Nate had no less than 4 or 5 surgical procedures; we relocated to a suburb of Richmond; I turned down a possible full time teaching opportunity; Anthony started a new job. By the fall of 2014 I was an emotional wreck, searching for my purpose in life. The Lord reminded me of the gifts He gave me and I got busy completing the first of many written works, 'Degrees of Perfection'.

So why am I feeling the all too familiar tug of frustration?


Coldness fills my being

Fog enters into my mind

I can't think

My thoughts are thick with doubt 

Of misgivings 

Of despair

I look out unto a vast land of waste

Littered with past failures and mistakes

My confidence

Shrunken in a corner

Lays almost lifeless on

The ground

I have been here before

My enemy has not changed

His form is still the same

Whatever he chooses it to be

Will I fight or give in

Will I listen to the screams of un-sureness 

So convincing is their wail

So easy is their embrace

I know where I am

I have been in this place before

My steps are weak

My actions are desperate

Stop, I tell myself

In silence can be fear

or Peace

You choose

This day

This moment

What will Reign
