Monday, September 14, 2015

One to Grow On

Can you make a tree grow?

No, you can only watch its progress

Can you create fruit out of air

No, you can only harvest it

Can you ripen the apple?

No, it will let you know when it is ready

So why Eve do you choose without


Or seek without


Or fill a place with

what should not be?

Go back to your what you were made to love

He will never leave you nor forsake you

He is your Rock, Sword and Shield

Only He has your Adam

Trust without hesitation

Love without reservation

Wait with joy laced expectancy

Let who You believe be your guide

only the One who made the Two can

Make an us


Wisdom Pearl #150

Ignorance is Bliss

Because Knowledge is sorrowful

Let know one deceive you



Thank God for giving you what you needed

Not What you wanted 

Not What you lusted after

Not What you craved

but What would make you stronger

What would make you grow 

What would drive you to Him

What would sustain you

What could love you

What could learn you

What could carry you

What would move you forward

What would make you refrain

What would make you better

What could and would stand beside you

For better or worse

For richer or poorer

In Sickness and in Health

Till death do you part


Wisdom Pearl #112

Don't give someone keys to your Garden...when they have not tended their own.


Blind Worth

If he doesn't pray

Then how will he strengthen you?

If he doesn't know God-love

How will he love you?

If he doesn't embrace himself

How can he embrace you

If love is shared but not managed

How can you give him a title

He has not earned?

How can you give yourself

And he has not proven

His worth?

Words are sweet

But of little value

Let his actions show his intent

Pray Eve before you act

Seek Daughter before you commit

Watch Child before you decide

Your future will be better for it

Don't be blind to your Worth


My Quiet Strength

You never speak of it

But I know it is on your mind

So private are your thoughts

So guarded are your feelings

Then you squeeze my hand

To remind me you are alive

You sit in silence


Wondering what could have been

Never asking The Why

Always dealing with the Now

I am jealous of your confidence

God Speaks it is settled

You encourage me

I catch a gaze, not long

quick as a blink

but there was water in your eyes

Your strength has been shown

The yearning in your heart is the same as mine.

We continue, as we have

A little stronger

A little wiser

But we are still we

You remember and love

As only a Father can

I am in love with you more and more for it


Grief, Sorrow, Joy and Hope

What a difference a day makes...

Not long ago

I could not see any weight in my life

My heart had slipped thru my grasp

So helpless was I

As his life passed through my hands

I wanted the earth to open and cover me

I didn't want to breath

I was broken



More than a dozen times I have remembered him

Annually, monthly, weekly

But it gets better

The pain of loss isn't as sharp as it was

But I fear won't dull any more past this point

I have grasped my strength

I have remembered my joy

I live, so he lives

I love because it is a privilege to do so

I will not forget because I am his Mother

Until we meet forever,

In Remembrance of Elan Micheal Howard
Buried on 9/11

Wisdom Pearl #111

Wisdom Pearl:

Be Warned for when one seeks the friendship of wisdom, sorrow is an unintended companion.


Mirrored Thoughts

Another September 11th has come and gone. To some the day has little meaning. To others it marks a day of mourning, a time of remembrance and reflection. I guess for us who were alive and old enough to grasp what was going on it was our D-day.

As I passed through the city and noted all of the American flags that were lowered in salute to the fallen souls, I was humbled and encouraged.

Humbled because of the reality that life is so much bigger than one individual and there is so very little we control; because we really don't know how blessed we are to live in a country where we are free to work, worship and grow with little interference; How protected we are and have been from the rest of the evils that many countries have had to face; And lastly for the endurance of the human spirit recorded in text messages, voice mails or phone calls from the brave to their love ones.

Encouraged because despite the horrific tragedy that took place on our soil, people came together. They helped one another. They cared for their brother and cried with their sister. We were never more like an example of GOD to one another than we were in that moment. We loved as He loves. We didn't care about color, gender, religious preference or financial status. We knew we were bonded. Kindred spirits who shared the same blood. So we went across the lines that usually bar us and dared to love, to show compassion to be bigger than ourselves.

It is unfortunate that 14 years later many of the same things that we ignored now divide us again. Where we were calling out the name of GOD because we knew there was and still is power in His name. We were full of repentance we wanted His Grace and Mercy, we were thankful. We purposed to live for Him because in one moment we all realized that life is bigger than death and death is bigger than us and GOD is bigger than all of it. We knew we were not at the head of this thing and honestly didn't want to be. It was easier to give it to Him.

Now we are back to our old tricks again. We allow the travesty of same sex marriage; the confusion of transgender-ism; abortion on demand at any time in the pregnancy; we have allied against Israel by allying with Iran; we have fanned the fires of religious persecution in this country sponsored and sanctioned by our own government; we have decided to teach our young about the unlawful and call it lawful; we have politely threw GOD out of our homes, our military, finances, personal lives and political actions; we are encouraging non-accountability as a cure all for our societal ills and we sit still while our government has become anti-christian.

How far we have fallen from 9/11. A shame really. But I am encouraged because there is a remnant that still honors America and her heritage which is ONE NATION UNDER GOD WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!