Saturday, June 20, 2015


The Beauty a Sunrise holds
In all its Greatness
With All of its Majestic Serenity
Is but a Herald
A Witness
To the Greatness of The 
Living God
Who Created it


*Only a fool says in his heart there
is no GOD

Wisdom Pearl #55

A Half Truth is Still A 
Whole Lie


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wisdom Peal #17

A 1000 broken pieces will never make a smooth a mirror


Unconventional Methods

Sometimes I wonder if my Mom was a Psych major and just didn't tell anyone. How did I come to this conclusion? I am glad you asked. The other day I had a pretty bad melt down..I mean it was one of those moments that had me wondering who I was. I was angry and I cried alot. I locked myself in my room for several hours thinking a forced time-out was probably what I needed. Eventually I calmed myself, my husband convinced me to let him into the bedroom (after several hours) and I didn't take anymore calls that evening. Including any from my mom.

The following day I was out running errands and my mom called and asked me if I was okay. I wasn't I confessed but I was able to function. She then proceeded with her regular Motherly advice and critiques and I thought to myself am I ever going to catch a break from this woman? We finished our conversation with our regular pleasantries and I thought no more of it.

That is until today. I realized that my mom was doing the most effective thing that she could do at the moment. She admitted she didn't quite understand what I was going thru but in her own way she was challenging me because quitting is not in my nature. She was making me realize that by gently agitating me.

It gave me enough clarity to decide to stay my course for that day and the next.

Sometimes strength is not imparted to you through conventional ways. Even Superman has to use force when blowing away the fog in order to save a ship. The fog might feel some type of way about it. But who cares, the ship was saved.

Kinda cool Mom. You got me on that one.
Thank you


Wisdom Pearl#80

The standard should not be lowered to meet your normal.
If it is then it is no longer the standard.
It then becomes a genuine reflection of the lack of perseverance in your life.
And a short cut to achievement.
Self how great is thy reward?


Elephants won't ever be Flowers

Wouldn't it be silly for an elephant to want to be a flower?

I mean an elephant was gifted with all of its uniqueness in order for it to complete its task

A flower can't roam the plains with thunder underneath its feet

A flower doesn't have memory or demonstrate conscience thought

A flower can not wrap it's trunk around its calf

Nor delight itself in the joy of the herd

But an elephant can

In the same vein

The Elephant as royal and demanding its presence is

Can't glitter in the sunlight

Its colors won't dance upon the wind

The Elephant no matter how wondrous of a created creature it is

Doesn't articulate beauty in the way the flower can

The Elephant is regal but it doesn't dress in

Beautiful Blues
Majestic Magentas
Tantalizing Pinks
Flirtatious Oranges
Or lively Yellows

Grays and Browns the color of earth are the Elephant's cloak

So  although I can I understand why an Elephant may look upon

A flower with envy

It can't be one

If it paints itself with all of the rainbow

It will still be an Elephant

Because that is what it was made to be

We can't celebrate it or recognize it as being anything else

Woe to the beast that desires so much but appreciates so little

Woe in deed


True Petitions

A Prayer for The Masses
A Prayer from the Heart

God, you withhold much of what we deserve
Father we have taken for granted how Holy You are
How Holy Your Name is
We disrespect it
We profane it out of our ignorance and rebellion
Father what we should protect we destroy
We celebrate what should be condemned
We delight in punishment but refuse to
Apply correction
We call evil just and we shun righteousness
Forgive us Lord God! You have given us plenty
You have blessed us beyond measure
And still we are consistently unfaithful to you
Thank you for doing so much
Thank you for upholding your promises despite our adultery
We are a proud and sinful nation
We have defiled your creation without repentance
Arrogantly we accept Your gifts
As if we are owed something
We have forgotten ourselves
Master Your remnant is sorry
We plead for your forgiveness
But we know we can’t escape the coming consequences
Protect and prosper Your chosen
Allow Your Grace to flow freely over Yours
As we stand in our coming season of challenge and persecution
The ones in the present
The ones coming in the future
And the ones who have not yet decided to accept Your Salvation
Thank you Lord God You are Mighty
You are Holy
You are the Great I Am
You are He who is to Come
Glory to the Lamb of God


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Land of the Blind

America, Home of the Complacent, Land of the Blind

As I sorrowfully follow some of the news that is decorating our media landscape, I can’t bring myself to believe that we continue to celebrate deviant and rebellious behavior. It’s now brave when a man changes his sex to mimic that of a woman? Or vice versa?
It is socially incorrect or even rude to point out that a lesbian who kills all but the smallest part of her femininity as to reflect the male portion of her partnership is a living contradiction. Does anyone think to ask why a woman would want to have a relationship with another woman who acts like a man? Don’t you just want a man?
Why is it insensitive to refer to a he as a he because he prefers to be called a she? Really…
Even worse we are now in the era where federal law mandates that individuals be recognized and accepted for their choices no matter how far off the grid they go.
Same–sex marriage shouldn’t be an issue up for discussion. It goes against God’s structure for family and His Holy design for both man and woman.
Homosexuals and trans-gendered individuals should not serve in leadership positions in churches or other Christian organizations because it conveys a message that it is okay to make this lifestyle choice. It says that God is giving a pass on a behavior that He expressly calls an abomination. That it is not cool to point out this standard of living as wrong. Hollywood and the entertainment industry has taken this thing and ran with it. Glorifying the open rebellion against The Holy One.
Where are the strong leaders of Christian organizations? Has anyone told the Boy-Scouts C.E.O. the story of the group’s origin? Maybe while they are at it maybe they could share some common sense with the Girls Scouts. I will not be affiliated with a group that allows confused little boys to dress up as girls and make my daughter accept that as the norm.  Still on the fence about the cookies though..
I am praying for our America because we are blessed beyond measure but because GOD, in His Grace, does not allow mountains to rumble or chooses not to display His power on a grand scale we say He doesn’t exist. That the plane that we dwell on is the only life in action. We couldn’t be any more wrong. We as a Nation need to repent and publicly accept Jesus Christ as Our Countries Lord and Savior again.
It doesn’t matter that we are melting pot of other cultures and religious beliefs. Non-believers should be free to worship as they see fit, (not withstanding human sacrifice..planned parenthood and other ‘choice’ clinics have the market cornered), but that doesn’t mean we change who we are or our core values and beliefs.
Changing that changes us. We are America. Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. We are One Nation Under GOD Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All. That includes protecting the rights and property of its Faith practicing Citizens. It’s about time we remembered that.
I will love the Lord with all my heart and all my soul. Me and my house

A Not So Tall Tale

A Not So Tall Tale

A young Lion appeared on the plains
He was strong and fair looking
He fought hard
He easily out maneuvered all of his opponents
He was the most logical choice for the pride
Time past and at first all seemed well
The pride moved in fluid motion
Toward the prescribed goals
No other Nation could withstand its might,
Or prowess
Not the mighty water buffalo
Nor the proud crocodile
No not one
But as time went on
The once driven and focused Lion
Created ripples in the wind
The air became foul
As the land withered under the once mighty beast
His favor has left, said some
We elected him in error confided others
One by one the family took leave
Two by two lost their confidence in His ability
Till finally no one stood with him
He was alone
The sun continued to rise and set for many days
As the proud loner wandered from place to place
Until he was too wearied to go on
Heartbreak and sorrow his only companions
That is until a cricket, too small for anyone to care,
Asked the Leader why he had no one
He had watched the Lion for days
And his curiosity got the best of him
The Lion slowly turned his gaze to focus on the smallest of creatures
And as much as he thought it didn’t matter
He parted his lips and uttered one word:
The cricket seeing the pain etch across the once proud shoulders
Of the not so young Lion, nodded in simple understanding.
I betrayed my Pride the Lion said in a whisper
Neither or them spoke anymore there was no need
There was no one to accept any apology that might have been
Given. The Nation was disbanded.
The pride was no more
The young were scattered

Morals To This Story:
·         The sorriest of sorrys are only worth their weight when they are given quickly. 
·         Change is good as long as it is profitable and not destructive.
·         Wrong actions can’t be erased but they don’t have to be repeated
·         A tree can only bare the fruit it was made to bare.
o   An apple tree cannot produce an orange. No matter what anyone says.


Checks and Balances

Who will you cry to America?
Who will you whisper your need too
Who will rescue you from yourself?
Who will raise you when you are down?
Your allies are educated vultures.


Leopards can't be Cheetah's

No matter how much the leopard

looks at the Cheetah

and admires her strength

her beauty, her speed

he can't be her

his spots are not hers

his breast will never yield milk

his womb will never carry cubs

he is fast but not fast as a Cheetah

Quickness was her gift

not his


Natural Order

A he is still a he

even if he desires to be a she

he can't be anything but a he

because that is how the Lord made him

& he should know

despite the chosen abandonment

of the natural use of the body

he will still be a he

when his soul is required of him


Wisdom Pearl #78

If a pot wants to be a kettle

It is still a pot

And will be used as such

Because it was made to do the job

That only a pot can do


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wisdom Pearl #39

If it ain't what you like
where is the temptation?
Remember every distraction has a purpose
And its never good


Wisdom Pearl #30

Get Your Crazy Under Control Before
Introducing it to someone Else


Wisdom Pearl #35

Let Love Drive All Of Your Actions
Let God Inspire all of Your Plans
Let Neither Compromise nor Fear Stand in the way
Of your Destined Greatness


Wisdom Pearl #33

A piece of advise for all of my newly married, seeking marriage or committed to it.

You set the standard
But love always sets the pattern
Govern yourselves accordingly
