Friday, March 27, 2015

Big Picture

Looking at the bigger picture..

This morning I was perusing my Facebook page and for the most part it is filled with funny quotes or inspirational stories or old pictures that make me look at times past and feel all warm and fuzzy.  But sometimes it has a story, video or article that highlight our fallen world and the brokenness of humanity.

I would like to add my $0.25 to these posts.

Video of Micheal Brown discussion gone bad:

First my continued condolences to this mother because she has lost a son and the void left is irreplaceable. It doesn't matter what he did or did not do; or whether I agree with what he did. I don't believe his actions mandated his execution. With that said let me respond to the post on FB:

The video that showed one person's reaction to an otherwise civilized discussion should not, in anyway shape or form be viewed as a poster child of African-American youth. This was one person and should be judged as such. There are so many excellent things that our young men are doing including making huge innovations in science and math. I am so very sorry that in some circles in our society black youth are seen as a menace and a threat. The only way to change that is by getting involved one community at a time.

We need to go back to neighbors knowing neighbors and each other's kids. This is the only way to combat fear and stereotypes while we are building comrade and mutual respect for one another and our differences. We also, society as a whole, need to teach all of our children the value of life, respecting of adults, responsible decision making and owning up to their mistakes.

So if the general public decides to take one soul's poor actions as a generalization for an entire race of people then shame on all. If we decide as a race not to address the issues plaguing our communities and call individuals on the carpet for their actions then shame on us.

Fetus not considered 'alive' unless it can survive on its own?

We are becoming more and more dumb as the time passes us by. Sure as a society we have made wonderful milestones in the field of medicine, technology and science. We have also made milestones in the understanding of ourselves and our relationships with other people.

What we have not seemed to come to terms with is the fact that a child, is a child from the moment of conception. Period. A crime was committed, a baby was by brut force separted from its mother and no charges rendered because the child wasn't a child? If this isn't the biggest case of prejudice against the unborn since the legalization of abortions in the 70's then I don't know what is.

When did God give the child a soul? Does anyone know that? Okay let's try another question. Since the heart starts forming in the first trimester why would the child not be considered a human or a citizen for that matter with all of the rights and privileges as fully formed people walking around?

Why do we allow late term abortions and penalize those who will not provide contraceptives that result in forced miscarriages? I thought the whole point of contraception was to prevent the pregnancy from happening in the first place? Termination is not birth control it is genocide. God will forgive but will not shield America from her blatant acts of rebellion. Whether you believe in Christ or not really is a non-issue. Kinda like arguing if there is or is not a sun.

The point is the more leniency we tried to provide ourselves the bigger the Pandora's box gets on the systemic fail of our society. The more we  throw off the controls set by accepted moral guidelines for behavior the more confusion we will see in the days to come. Example - Transvestite males with intact male anatomy gaining the right to use women's restrooms..REALLY???? No matter what you think you are or ought to be what you are born with and currently carry dictates where you need to use the restroom. Why is this a debate?

God did not allow man to see a piece of His beautiful work to destroy it. The work in the womb qualifies for beautiful.  Nor did He intend for man to dissect what He fearfully and wonderfully made and decide he has dominion over it and can call it a human being when it suits him. He also didn't call man to re-establish the structure of marriage and call an abomination marriage equality.

It's time to call sin what it is and acknowledge that we have little control over it because we ourselves are limited. We need Jesus Christ and a return to life under God! Then we will see a change in our nation and a season of prosperity( favor, blessings) this country has never known.

As always change starts with an individual. Self-control and boundaries need to be set in the home and reinforced with proper societal structure.

We are our society. Not they or them. Bout time we remember that.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What I Can't Teach You..

As many of you may already know Anthony and I have a daughter named Ehlissa in addition to the two boys we parent. We also have two other daughters, beautiful gifts, from Anthony's first marriage. I have not given up on having relationship with those two doves and hope to be able to report reconciliation to you soon.

But that is not the point of today's blog. Ehlissa is an aspiring mechanical engineer who attends a private out-of-state college. She earned a generous financial award and will be completing her 3rd year in a couple months. She is smart, witty, sassy and drop dead gorgeous..really and I am not saying that because I am her mom. Okay maybe a little.

However none of that mattered when she was harassed by a client's family member. Oh did I mention on top of being a superstar she also works with mentally challenged adults? Right she does, because she is awesome and wants to give back and learn as much as she can about this community so she can better serve her brothers.

On Monday she was at her appointed destination to pick up her client as scheduled. Well a member of her client's family decided to flex in front of Ehlissa and the conversation went something like this;

Ding Dong

The door is answered by Ehlissa
E- Hello
X- Uhm yeah, is that your car outside
E-Which one the red one?
X- Yes the only one in the drive way
E- Stunned silence
X-I need you to move your car
E- Oh you can't get in
X- No, I just need you to move your car
E-More silence
X- Are you slow? Did you not hear me? Am I speaking another language or something
E-Cautiously she opens her mouth to
X- Okay because you acted like you didn't understand my request

At this point Ehlissa closes the door in the woman's face not to be rude but to collect herself. My daughter, like her mother, has a temper and doesn't back down. Howbeit ever she has learned a little bit of discretion, (Thank you Lord), and decided she didn't want to lose her job opening up a can of beat down on a younger Sally Jesse Raphael. So after a couple of deep breaths she re-opened the door and said:
E-I'm sorry we haven't met. My name is Ehlissa and I work with Professor X
X- Yes I am sure, but are you moving you car now or what?

What also needs to be said is that this family is blessed and the driveway was large enough to accommodate several cars without one touching the other. The young lady didn't want the 'helps' car in the same space as her own. I can proudly say that the conversation didn't escalate and Ehlissa moved her car and kept her cool.

It is a shame that this young lady thought because of her status and the wealth she married into that she could demean my daughter. Not just my daughter but anyone who she thinks is not on her level. I wonder what will it take to awaken her to the beautiful diversity around her. I wonder has anyone told her that heaven won't be a whites, upper class snob kind,-only club. I am glad Ehlissa held her dignity because she is a Queen and truly was far from the lesser one in this scenario.

I am sorry the world is still full of people who hate anything that doesn't look like them. I am sorry that when the wall hits and the financials are worth less than the paper they are printed on that these same people will not know how to survive and will themselves be at the mercy of others. I hope to be enjoying my residency inside the pearly gates by then. Nonetheless I am even more sorry that she had to experience the mean nature of certain people. All because of class. Don't get me wrong we have educated her about the ugliness of racism and how it has many different forms. But seeing is not believing until experience leaves its sting. So far she has had Professors to snidely imply that she earned her spot just because she is a female but has no merit. In other words she didn't belong in the field. To members of the same staff just not liking her because of the color of her skin.

She is weathering it. All the stings and barbs of dealing with short-minded people. It hurts but she is getting through it. I remember telling her she couldn't quit nor change her major just because of some idiot in a suit. Success is a great 'in your face' gesture. I also remember sharing with her that if she gave in and quit now then she would set herself up to be a quitter. I am not a quitter so by default neither is she. And even though some classes she has to re-take and others she passes by the skin of her teeth..she hasn't and will not quit! I am so proud of the tenacity my baby is showing. It will serve her well in future days of her life.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wisdom Pearls: #117 & 119

Progress is foolishly measured at which the speed it is completed instead of the effort it took to persevere to the end of it.


Progress is progress whether it takes a moment, a step or a lifetime to complete. Celebrate it for the pureness of the moment and your days will be filled with joy.


Wisdom Pearl #33

If thru broken lenses your life is viewed,
then don't expect your reality to be truth.


Thursday, March 5, 2015

All Call


Your needed to tend the Garden

Your presence is desired in the home

Your leadership is priceless

Your example is our guide

Your love is longstanding

Your headship is radiant

Your protection is strength


You are desperately needed

Do not forget us

Your tribe

Your loves

Your future

Will you leave us to fight alone


Sto, Steti, Statum

Your cross is yours

Mine is my own

They are no less challenging than

Anyone else's

They are grueling

At times I wonder if I can bear the weight

It is crushing

I have to fight for every breath

It is a labor of love

One that I wish I didn't

Have to carry

Do you watch your steps

Littered with your sweat

Slippery because of your tears?

I do

So never look at my cross

Thinking I am more than you

I never look at yours that way

I think to myself what a strong woman

And I press myself to go on

You encourage me

You model grace under wrath

A Spring squall may rise

But you are not shaken

A hurricane may land

But we are not uprooted

I appreciate you

You inspire me

Sto, Steti, Statum


Polished Mirrors

when i was younger, my energy was wasted

my path wasn't clear

i didn't know who or whose i was

so full of anger

so determined to follow rebellion

my time was wasted

my days were squandered

thankfully i survived

i am now in midpoint of my life

i have just decided which mountain to climb

but everyday the view gets better and better

no matter where on the mountain i am

the joy of being at peace

the price of contentment

is worth the sacrifice

of walking away from the familiar

and facing the unknown with a smile

and a leisurely stroll


dedicated to my dad L.Taylor

Simply I

I have arrived! I am there

I have succeded

I have beat the odds

I am a victor

I am a champion

I have arrived because I said so

No longer am I fighting the Will of my Creator

No longer am I ignoring my calling

No longer are my days filled with turmoil

Nor are my seeds falling on the ground unfertile

I have arrived

I am here

I am bruised

Scarred and battered

But I still have my fight

And that is enough

I have succeeded because I said so

I am a victor because He declared so!

I have arrived, I have arrived!

Peace is mine

He gave it

It is His promise

I solely possess it

I have arrived

It is mine


No title needed

for so long i needed to prove that i was good; but i was always pushed to be better.

for so long i just wanted to fit in; but i was driven to be in front.

for so long i just wanted to do whatever it was that was me; but i was reminded that creativity didn't bring in money.

now i am older. a little wiser. i now know who controls my drive. who directs my path. i now own the confidence to breath and wait before the next step.

i now know it is okay not to know everything; that it is more fun to learn; spontaneity always lightens the mood while satisfying my need to stay pure.

i now know that the pursuit is flawed...that is not everything; it isn't the answer. in and of itself it is empty and as vast as we tend to make it.

i am changing the game..i'm taking myself on a journey with an expected end

glorious and awesome

because He says He knows His plans for prosper me and not to harm

i love my new friend and its name is contentment

i will never go back to pursuing anything that isn't pursuing me


Capturing the Gold

Sometimes it isn't about building a better mouse trap. Sometimes it isn't about having a  bigger house or a nicer car; being more accomplished; another degree or title. Sometimes it is simply being content with what you have.


More is not always better

In our desire to acquire more

In the push to do better

Be stronger

And jump higher

We may have forgotten

The most important part of the game

Learning how to be content

No matter where you are

No matter what you have

That is how you beat it all

That is what sets you apart from everyone else

That is what defines you as a victor

The peace you have within
