Christmas is so awesome!
A time set aside to celebrate the the miraculous virgin birth of our Lord and Savior.
A time to for introspection
A time for appreciation
A time for admiration
No one else loved us the way Jesus Christ did/does
To take off His divine
And to put on humanity while still being GOD
It is a delicious mystery
One that entangles the mind
But releases it almost simultaneously
When His peace covers one's being
The Bible gives us an account of what happened
Faith believes it did
Not as an old wives tale but as truth because
He is GOD and we are not
I would rather put my faith in what GOD said He did
All in the name of Love
Than a fabled tale
Known to not be true
Flying Reindeer??? Really...
So even if you don't believe in God
Know that He is still GOD with or without you
And FYI He is God enough to handle your disbelief
With that said
If you don't want to acknowledge Christ in Christmas
That's to your discredit
But don't disrespect it
There is no Christmas without Christ
A Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Stranger, Lady; sharing her journey as she walks with God one day at a time. One lesson as it is learned all while writing with Purpose. Empowering and strengthening readers while sharing how she has learned how to Live, Love & Laugh!
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The Power of The 'Little'
Before you
I didn't know about a Tangeroo
Before you
I could have never loved a Myon
Before you
I didn't really know what strength was
Before you
I didn't know sound could hurt
Before you
I didn't know how much I missed little hugs
Or how delightful kissing little chunky feet could be
Before you
I thought I understood a great many things
Who knew airplane take-off was the best part of a trip
That calendars look better with purple circles on it
That cartoons could be so much fun
That the floor was for more than walking
It gives perspective
While letting one know where they fit in a room
Before you
I didn't know so much could be said
Without saying a thing
I admire you
I think you are the cat's meow
I love you
I am glad you are with me
Soon you will be taller than me
But I will always remember your 'little'
It's mine
My gift
I didn't know about a Tangeroo
Before you
I could have never loved a Myon
Before you
I didn't really know what strength was
Before you
I didn't know sound could hurt
Before you
I didn't know how much I missed little hugs
Or how delightful kissing little chunky feet could be
Before you
I thought I understood a great many things
Who knew airplane take-off was the best part of a trip
That calendars look better with purple circles on it
That cartoons could be so much fun
That the floor was for more than walking
It gives perspective
While letting one know where they fit in a room
Before you
I didn't know so much could be said
Without saying a thing
I admire you
I think you are the cat's meow
I love you
I am glad you are with me
Soon you will be taller than me
But I will always remember your 'little'
It's mine
My gift
My Little Myles
Your eyes are so wide
Bright with joyful expectation
Your smile always shows a certain type of charm
The promise of manhood
Growing steadily by the day
No longer momma's little man
Pleasantly surprised I am
When your world becomes a little clearer
No longer are you my puzzle
I know you are different
And so do you
I think
Or maybe we are the different ones
I dunno
I just love your zest for life
Your earned contentment
I enjoy our conversations
Understanding is never the goal
Companionship and closeness
Is beautiful
No matter what you are or are not
You are mine
And I love you
With all that I am
Bright with joyful expectation
Your smile always shows a certain type of charm
The promise of manhood
Growing steadily by the day
No longer momma's little man
Pleasantly surprised I am
When your world becomes a little clearer
No longer are you my puzzle
I know you are different
And so do you
I think
Or maybe we are the different ones
I dunno
I just love your zest for life
Your earned contentment
I enjoy our conversations
Understanding is never the goal
Companionship and closeness
Is beautiful
No matter what you are or are not
You are mine
And I love you
With all that I am
Because we forget
We figure the wound is healed
Our cellars are full of items marked "dealt with"
But really are still open
We get angry when we are so abruptly reminded
Of our pain
All of a sudden we are vulnerable
It gets harder to hide
feelings of frustration
Cracks on our shells
Strain under the weight
Pain is no longer a distant companion
But instead a constant friend
Because we forget
We figure the wound is healed
Our cellars are full of items marked "dealt with"
But really are still open
We get angry when we are so abruptly reminded
Of our pain
All of a sudden we are vulnerable
It gets harder to hide
feelings of frustration
Cracks on our shells
Strain under the weight
Pain is no longer a distant companion
But instead a constant friend
It Just Is
So the other week starts off with its normal Monday morning fury. Nate has clinic visits downtown, Myles has to get to school and Mr. Howard off to work. I thought I was going to have a pretty quiet week and was looking forward to some serious down time.
Of course that didn't happen and in the immortal words of C.Brown "Good Grief" was about all I could muster. Let me quickly chronicle my week for you:
None of that was reflected in his diagnostic summaries. No matter how the panel tried to highlight all of Myles's strengths and progress...I couldn't help but feel some kinda way about the whole thing. Am I still angry at autism. Yes. Am I mad at the limitations this condition has placed on my son. Yes. Am I still trying to grapple with what this means for his future. Yes. Am I still trying to not hold on to my expectations? Yes. Does my heart bleed for my son...Yes.
Our world can sometimes be cruel and complexed and no matter how I see him, (and others like him), everyone will not see what I do. Some are even so low bred that they would seek to take advantage, harm or perform a disservice against him. I know I won't always be around to protect him and guide him. I know that he will always need some compassion and patience.
I want to live as long as he lives...all of them for that matter;but I force myself to repeat what GOD says about the future..that is His secret place and I am not to try and mettle with it. Nothing more nothing less.
As for my pain. It just is. He (GOD) never promised my life would be without it; however He did promise never to leave me or forsake me. And that my friend helps me to operate in it.
Of course that didn't happen and in the immortal words of C.Brown "Good Grief" was about all I could muster. Let me quickly chronicle my week for you:
- Monday: Downtown Clinic visit (wellness checkup) for Nathan
- Van inadvertently gets parked thru valet service with Nathan still in the back seat
- Panic sets in
- All ends well Praise GOD
- I need a nap (smile)
- Tuesday: Myles has a eligibility meeting of some sort
- Performance scores are reviewed
- Deficits are discussed
- Guess what he is still autistic....whoodathunkit?
- Nathan has accident at school
- I did manage to get an oil change
- squeezed lunch in for myself around 1 or so
- Wednesday: QuickBooks Training for volunteer work
- Totally forgot about it
- Still didn't have a nurse in place for Nate
- Ubber late because of construction
- Training was all day
- Great coffee
- Met a new friend
- Thursday: 2nd day of training
- My sweet neighbor and I got our wires crossed so Myles was outside roaming around for 40+ minutes waiting for me to get home
- He was safe
- Felt like a really bad Mommy
- Friday: I don't remember
Ever have one of those weeks where nothing was on your calendar but all of a sudden you have no time. It just drains you...know what I mean? Anyhoot, out of all of those days I will say that Tuesday was the most challenging.
For those of you who don't know Myles, our eldest son, is autistic. He was diagnosed around 3 years old. With that said every few years or so he must be evaluated to make sure he still meets the criteria to receive special services. The process is pretty straight forward but it isn't painless. Any parent of an exceptional ed kid knows these meetings can be open any old wounds that never really seem to close.
Tuesday was no exception. As I sat and listened to different tests, evaluations and observations that were performed my breathing became very measured and deliberate. I was close to my breaking point; and once the overview of his performance was discussed, in detail, for every section...well let's just say I tried not to talk and needed a couple of tissues. The freshness of my emotions still amaze me and quite honestly I don't really know how to deal with it. On one hand I am confused as to why I still feel the way I do. The other..frustration because there is really no one I can be mad it. Autism is a formless entity. I can't throw anything at it..can't pray it away and can't ignore it.
Reader, please understand that I didn't disagree with anything that was discussed in our meeting. I am an educator and found the results to be in line with where he is developmentally. Myles is a bright boy, mild mannered and easy to get along with. He has learned what his triggers and sensitivities are and he compensates for them. He speaks when he feels its necessary and all participates with his peers. He likes being around people but has no issues with asking for quiet time.
None of that was reflected in his diagnostic summaries. No matter how the panel tried to highlight all of Myles's strengths and progress...I couldn't help but feel some kinda way about the whole thing. Am I still angry at autism. Yes. Am I mad at the limitations this condition has placed on my son. Yes. Am I still trying to grapple with what this means for his future. Yes. Am I still trying to not hold on to my expectations? Yes. Does my heart bleed for my son...Yes.
Our world can sometimes be cruel and complexed and no matter how I see him, (and others like him), everyone will not see what I do. Some are even so low bred that they would seek to take advantage, harm or perform a disservice against him. I know I won't always be around to protect him and guide him. I know that he will always need some compassion and patience.
I want to live as long as he lives...all of them for that matter;but I force myself to repeat what GOD says about the future..that is His secret place and I am not to try and mettle with it. Nothing more nothing less.
As for my pain. It just is. He (GOD) never promised my life would be without it; however He did promise never to leave me or forsake me. And that my friend helps me to operate in it.
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