Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Worthy of a Question

Where are you going?

What are you doing?

Who will remember....

What has your attention?

Where are you focused?

Who will it help.....

Do you have a goal?

Will it follow you into death?

Is it worth the sacrifice

Who does it benefit....

Who does it hurt?

What will last?

Can you bring it with you?

Empty your hands were when you came,

Empty they will be when they leave

What will remain?




So there I was this morning dropping my youngest off at school and I noticed all of the teachers scurrying about there many a.m tasks; and I found myself being just a tad bit, (okay who am I fooling a super, overwhelming, all caps TAD), jealous. Everyone seemed to be in their place..comfortable where they fit in. Walking in their purpose. Being productive; Smiling and greeting their students and co-workers; Making plans, following routines, scheduling meetings.

I thought to myself wow and what are you doing? Another day filled with 'let's find something to do' activities all the while asking the same old questions like: What am I doing here, what is my purpose, what should I be accomplishing in this season? How did I get here? Why am I here. Needless to say I was having a moment. Come to think of it I have been having a lot of moments as of late. Still I spoke when spoken too and even forced a couple of smiles. I couldn't wait to get out of the building just so I could be alone with my thoughts.

The weather was a perfect 52 degrees and it was raining, quite heavily, in spurts. As I walked the short distance to the car I thought, " I could walk in the mall" but the rain and the cool air was so inviting I opted to take my morning walk outside despite the gloomy skies. Besides why would I have walked in a mall around a bunch of stuff that I couldn't afford any way.

Yes I was one big ball of happiness.

I arrived at my preferred location agitated and dreading the exercise. But I pushed myself because I knew that physical activity was the best way to clear my head and talk with The Lord. I asked Him questions, I expressed how I was feeling and even confessed to some of the desires I had. Which all centered around an elevated state of living. That wasn't a lot to ask for after all He said He would meet all of my needs and a few of my desires. So why not ask for what He knew I wanted anyway?

Eventually, I moved on to hear a message from one of my favorite pastors and there He was. GOD speaking to me thru The Word. I was humbled and my complaining soon turned into statements of gratefulness. I was so happy GOD was merciful enough to answer my questions by just simply answering one. I was created to bring Him GLORY!

 In my mad pursuit of happiness I thought fulfillment would come from a career so I asked for grace and completed (3) degrees; I thought I would surely be satisfied with a nice home, maybe a 4-bedroom craftsman; Or maybe I needed a new van..but then I would be washed out by the fact that we are hand to mouth, living paycheck to paycheck. Which lead me back to what I am doing here? I need to be out making money so we can afford more stuff.

Did you know all of that is vanity? Material and useless in the sense that if it does not bring GOD glory then it holds no weight. If it holds no weight then what is the purpose of pursuing the course? Where is the reward? The acquisition of things is cool but that isn't all there is nor is it our sole purpose. Remember naked we came in the world and naked we are leaving. Not to mention there is no guarantee that the thirst we are seeking to quench will be found in these empty items.

No. Not at all. The truth is only what we do for Christ will last. Only in seeking Christ will we be fulfilled. Only by hearing and obeying the Lord will we be walking in our calling. Which is to glorify Him. The scripture says:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33) 

I had it all wrong! The correct formula for happiness is: Seek GOD +Obey GOD= Days full of contentment x happiness to the 3rd power. 

I am determined to live in the purpose He placed in me. I will probably always need to die to self because His ways are not mine..but at least I know His outcome is infinitely better than anything I could ever hope for. Not just for me but also for those whom He places in my pathway. 

Remember enriching someone else is always better than feeding riches to one's self. 

-Souljourner (a new beginning: Your Number Is Up 1-3)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


to my own beat do i drum

to my own steps do i dance

the rhythm of life moves with time

upbeat is the tempo when life is light

slow and steady when challenge blocks my steps

determined and rapid are the sounds

when my course will not be changed

when my mind is made up

when my strength compels me to stand

mellow is the tune when the day is mine

soft reflections add to my thoughts

soulful is my vibe

i dance to my own steps


I am

I am strong

I am Witty

I am Pretty

I am more than Beautiful

I am the Beautiful

I carry Grace

Calmness is my friend

I bring Strength in my arms

Comfort is my table

I am a Lady who loves

I am a Daughter of Zion

A mother of many

And the trusted of One

I am the Beautiful

And are you













Always welcomed


Stop, Look and Listen

Softly, slowly, deliberate

are the fall breezes at my back

nothing alive but the sound of the leaves

under my feet.

The air is thick with the perfume of the season

squirrels scurry about

grabbing, eating, stocking

Winter will follow soon

Gone are the winds of summer

Bright blue were its skies

Dazzling were it's clouds.

But I will not miss them

The pale gray and the mute purples

The last of the season

are comforting to me

In its stillness the lack of activity

encourages me.

Soon life will begin again

The cycle of awakening will be upon us

But for now

This is comfort

I am still in my peace
